Two hands holding each other against a white background.

Whats your story?

We are the authors of our book of life! Therefore, it is important to be aware of how we perceive, feel, relate and express life to the self. Through the process of psychotherapy, I intend to help you become aware of your WHY.

Why am I stuck in the same karmic cycle? Why is there a fear of abandonment? Why is there a fear of not being seen? Why is there a fear of not being enough?

By exploring your why, you will become aware of your relation with your trauma, in addition, you will become aware of how the relation is impacting your present perspective and attitude towards life. You will also become mindful of your inner voice i.e how you speak about yourself.

Words hold energy; thus, by changing how you speak about yourself, you can change your life.

Note: Pranayama and meditation are part of the therapeutic process.

1hr- 2000THB

Illustration of a tree depicting the Eight Limbs of Yoga with chakras and Sanskrit symbols. The tree features branches labeled with concepts like Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas, Pranayama, Dharana, Pratyahara, Dhyana, and Samadhi, along with associated Sanskrit words and symbols within the trunk representing different chakras. Themes of spiritual and physical yoga practices are visually incorporated.


#Trendbuster- Pranayama is not breathwork, and breathwork is not pranayama.

The meaning of the word prana-yama is an expansion of life force, although closely related to the air we breathe. It is more subtle than the oxygen. The practice of pranayama aids in improving and stabilising the functioning of your unique life force, by removing physical, psychological and emotional barriers.

Breath is the sutra (thread) that bridges your mind to your body, by including the practice of pranayama in your healing journey you will learn how the stressful thoughts have impacted the depth of your breath. In addition, you will learn the art of slowing down, whereby through conscious observation of your mind and body you will create calmness and clarity within yourself.

1hr- 1500THB

Lotus flower in dark water with soft lighting.


Meditation is a tool that includes the power of visualization stemming from your unique story; in combination with pranayama and ancient mantras.

Through the practice of meditation, a sacred and safe space is created within you where you are encouraged not to force or find solutions, but rather embrace and surrender to what is.

1hr- 1500THB