The trauma happened to you. You are not the trauma!
The trauma happened to you. You are not the trauma!
From wound to wisdom
Are you tired of seeking acknowledgement? Do you want to be seen, and heard?
Is your body speaking your suppressed emotions? Are the memories of your past controlling your present?
If the answer to all the questions is, YES? Then you are in the right place.
What if I tell you that the pain of the past is there in your present as a solution rather than a problem? We spend much of our lives creating coping mechanisms that temporarily put a bandage on our wounds until our body begins to speak our pain.
Instead of seeking comfort and release from your fears from the outside, it is time to walk within and know yourself. To release yourself from your wounds, and make them your wisdom.
Hello, I am Anushree, and I work as an Experiential therapist. My mission and vision are to help you change your relationship with your trauma.
With a specialization in psychotherapy blended with the Eastern teachings of pranayama and meditation, I help you get to know your wound through a lens of kindness, compassion and understanding.
Your journey with me will include finding, knowing and embracing the parts of yourself that have been lost or neglected by the self. I intend to give you back the power to take control of your life, and to know that the only person who needs to accept and acknowledge you, is YOU!
Stop waiting and seeking outside, as everything you need is already within.
M.A. Psychology in Counselling, Webster University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Bsc. Honours. in Counselling Psychology, Middlesex University, Dubai, the U.A.E.
Certification in Emotion-focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) for healing Attachment Wounds.
Certification in Transforming Trauma with Emotion Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT).